Trading systems and Brokerage designed for tomorrow’s markets

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Loveland, Colorado 80537
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The RT Swing Trader is a unique online swing trading program combining veteran trader and author John Crane’s ‘Action/Reaction’ and market timing methods with a selective set of Elliott Wave and Fibonacci principals to analyze market action and project future market swings.
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Most trading programs and algorithms on the market use the same set of static rules and parameters for every market. The result is a program that grows stale quickly or simply doesn’t work for many markets. The systematic Swing Trader on the other hand, has been designed and optimized on a market by market basis. Not only that, but each market it follows is constantly being reviewed and appropriate changes and improvements are being implemented. The result is a complex trading system as dynamic as the marketplace, designed to identify and manage high probability trading opportunities in commodities and forex.
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Put your forex trading to the test by trading your own free practice account using the DealBook 360.
Follow the Top Option Trader signals for 30 days free.The Top Option Trader seeks out trading opportunities with a high probability of profit by using a number of proprietary software programs, which were developed, in an attempt to model and evaluate certain market climates and conditions, with respect to option writing opportunities.
Our proprietary option trading strategy is designed to capture moves that reach our initial objectives within 2 trading days of entry, thus dramatically reducing the effect of time decay on your option’s value. Not only that, but by swing trading the option we allow you to turn the market in your favor by taking advantage of inherent properties found in option values.
With the TMV you’ll stay abreast of the latest news and keep ahead of the markets four times a week. Our most popular product, now in it’s 23rd year of publication: Traders Market Views: published four times a week, is packed with timely market insight and recommendations.
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