WHEAT – Up 8 to 10 cents per bushel.
Brisk export sales of U.S. wheat, news Algeria is aggressively seeking wheat imports and talk Saudi Arabia is seeking wheat combine to lift wheat futures.

CORN – Up 7 to 8 cents per bushel. Spillover support from soaring wheat market and corn
continues to find independent strength from outlooks for dwindling U.S. corn supplies this year.
* Wetter weather over the next 6 days in Argentina will provide relief for any late maturing corn but much of the crop already pollinated during heat and dryness leading to yield
reductions. Overalls satisfactory crop weather continues in Brazil.
SOYBEANS – Up 7 to 8 cents per bushel.
Spillover support from soaring wheat market, China demand for U.S. soy and soybean futures remain supported by outlooks for dwindling U.S. soy supplies this year.
* Rainfall over the next week in Argentina will boost soybean crop prospects as the crop begins its key pod-setting stage of development. Overall satisfactory crop weather continues in Brazil.

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