Tag Archives: Futures

Swing trade signal confirmed in June Heating oil! [chart]

  June Heating oil rallied off the low, posted on the April 28 reversal swing date. The market  had dipped down into the reversal date, with two lower closes, leading into the pivot low. After finding support from the lower up-sloping action line, Heating oil ended the corrective pullback and turned higher. The new  upward thrust… read more

Japanese yen forms new reaction swing and sets stage for new price decline. [chart]

Tuesday’s one-day rally stopped short by the 20- day SMA and the down-sloping reaction line. The yen reversed at the two levles of resistance  and resumed the dominate downward trend. This should set the stage for the next swing lower into the May 6th reversal swing date.… read more

Soybeans reverse sharply after reaching projected target objective! [chart]

On April 5th, July Soybeans posted a low close of $945 1/4 inside the 60% buy window. Two days later,  Soybeans rallied out of the buy window and traded through the trigger price for a long entry signal. The reverse/forward count projected a new upward price swing of twelve days from the low close from April 5th. I also… read more

Long Cocoa swing trade reaches target objecitve on R-swing date! [chart]

When July Cocoa dipped into the 60% buy window on April 12th the RT Swing Trader program triggered a buy signal for the July Cocoa at 2934. As soon as the the buy signal was triggered the RT Swing Trader identified April 26th as the projected reversal swing date and placed the reaction target objective… read more

Opening Grain News

By Andrew Johnson Jr. Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES CHICAGO (Dow Jones)–Chicago Board of Trade soybean futures are poised for a lower start to Friday’s day session on pre-weekend positioning in the absence of fresh fundamental news. CBOT soybeans are seen opening the day session 2 cents to 3 cents lower. A weak undertone from outside,… read more

Swing trade sell opportunity in July Silver. [chart]

July Silver traded to a high of 18.20 and just breached the 60% sell window before turning sharply lower. This price action is forming a potential TR sell pattern. The market needs a trade below Wednesday’s daily low (17.455) to confirm the reaction swing and the final segment of the TR pattern sequence. If the… read more