Well they don’t have to be! 



 A Trading system designed for tomorrow’s markets 

Some of the more expensive trading programs seem to have forgotten a key aspect of trading in today’s marketplace; that each market and each trade is unique. Rather than using the same stale strategy for each market and each trade, the  Delta Option Trading Program has identified optimal entry and exit strategies for each market. Not only that, but with a basket of dynamic money management skills, it will assure that you take advantage of the move, whether small, medium or large, using Futures Options. 

 (Read More Below)



Same Methods Equal Same Results

Chances are if you’ve been buying and holding options you haven’t been too successful. Chances also are that if you continue to do so, you will continue to fall short of your investment objectives. The time is now to use Delta Option Trading to maximize you’re option trading potential. 



80-90% of Options Expire Worthless

 Chances are if you’ve traded long options you know this all too well. The problem is you’ve been paying too much for time value. So how do you take time value out of the equation and see success rates upwards of 60%? 

Option Swing Trading

Our proprietary option trading strategy is designed to capture moves that reach our initial objectives within 2 trading days of entry, thus dramatically reducing the effect of time decay on your option’s value. Not only that, but by swing trading the option we allow you to turn the market in your favor by taking advantage of inherent properties found in option values. 

Delta Options and the S-Curve

When Identifying potential option trades we look for strike prices with delta values in the “sweet spot” of the S-curve. As you can see when you take time value out of the picture, the delta value (rate of change of option per unit change in the underlying) behaves in an S-curve fashion. By grabbing options near the bottom of the s-curve, the Delta Option program assures that as the market moves against the position, the option value is relatively stable. Whereas when the market moves in the positions favor, the option value increases more rapidly. 







No Responses to “Are Options confusing?”

  1. Napoleon Bentivegna

    Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!

    • John

      Thank you, I appreciate the feedback and hopefully your friends also fine the information useful.