Released on 5/3/2011 11:30:00 AM For 5/3/2011 11:30:00 AM Auction Results 4-Week Bill Treasury Rate 0.005% Bid/Cover 4.59 Total Amount $28 B Rates are moving towards even.… read more
Tag Archives: Commodity Futures Trading
Grain Opening Calls-Futures Trading, Commodity trading, Commodity Futures trading, Futures brokerage, Trading
Soybeans lower 10 to 12 cents Corn lower 2 to 3 cents; better planting weather out look this week Wheat 3 to 4 cents lower… read more
Coffee Rises to 14-Year High-Futures Trading, Commodity Trading, Trading news, Economic News, Futures and Commodity brokerage
Rainfall in Colombia; the world’s second-largest producer of arabica beans may hurt crops. Coffee plantations are being damaged by landslides and rains.… read more
Market Wrap up for May 2, 2011 – Futures Trading, Commodity trading, Commodity Futures trading, Futures brokerage, Trading
Wrap up for May 2, 2011 Wrap up for May 2, 2011 … read more
Economic Calendar for Tomorrow May 3,2011 – Economic News, Futures Trading, Commodity Trading, Futures Trading brokerage, Commodity Futures Trading
Traders should be prepared for tomorrow’s economic reports: For Tuesday May3, 2011 Motor Vehicle Sales ICSC-Goldman Store Sales 7:45 AM ET Redbook 8:55 AM ET Factory Orders 10:00 AM ET 4-Week Bill Auction 11:30 AM ET 52-Week Bill Auction 11:30 AM ET… read more
ISM Manufacturing Index May 2, 2011 – Futures trading, Commodity Trading, Commodity futures trading, Trading news,
Prior Consensus Consensus Range Actual ISM Mfg Index – Level 61.2 59.5 58.0 to 60.5 60.4 The ISM Manufacturing Index showed a slight decline of 0.2 points however the reading still came in at 61.2. Why do traders Care? This Survey covers more that 300 manufacturing firms on employment, production, new orders, suppliers deliveries and inventories.… read more
Grains Opening Calls,Futures Trading Commodity Trading, Commodity futures trading, Trading news,
Grains called lower : Corn 4-7 cents : Wheat 2-4 cents : Soybeans 4-6 cents… read more
FREE Trading Webinars – Swing Trading,Futures Trading Brokerage Firm, Brokerage Firm, Futures Trading, Commodity Trading, Commodity Futures Trading
Free Trading Webinars Every Thursday. Call 1-800-521-0705 with any questions about upcoming webinars. Swing Trading With Market Timing Intelligence Join us for a Webinar on Thursday, May 5, 2011 The most important element of a successful swing trading approach is market timing of both entry and exits. In this educational webinar, you will… read more
Personal Income and Outlays for April 29, 2011 – Futures Trading Brokerage Firm, Brokerage Firm, Futures Trading, Commodity Trading, Commodity Futures Trading, Swing Trading, Economic News
Their was a rise in the consumer sector from income growth in March. Prior Consensus Consensus Range Actual Personal Income – M/M change 0.3 % 0.4 % 0.2 % to 0.5 % 0.5 % Consumer Spending – M/M change 0.7 % 0.5 % 0.1 % to 0.7 % 0.6 % Core PCE price index – M/M change 0.2 % 0.1 % 0.1 % to 0.3 % 0.1 % *Personal income is defined as the… read more
Employment Cost Index for April 29, 2011 – Futures Trading Brokerage Firm, Brokerage Firm, Futures Trading, Commodity Trading, Commodity Futures Trading, Swing Trading, Economic News
Prior Actual ECI – Q/Q change 0.4 % 0.6 % ECI – Y/Y change 2.0 % 2.0 % The employment cost index measured total compensation costs which include wages and salaries and also benefits. Benefits include vacations, but the primary mover is health insurance premiums. * Measures the total amount of compensation cost; including wages,… read more