On August 3rd, August Hogs traded at a new three month high, reaching 87.57, before reversing and closing as an “outside day” price bar with a negative close. The next day, the market collapsed and closed limit-down. Could the time and price of this significant high have been predicted? To answer this question, lets take a look at the ‘action/reaction” time and… read more
Tag Archives: Trading newsletter
Swing Trade Strategies – After completing the bearish reaction cycle, what is next for the Gold? [chart]
Gold completed the long-term bearish reaction cycle when it reached the downside target objecitve of $1156.90 on the July 28 reversal date. This date had been projected 7 days earlier, after Gold had completed the TC (trend continuation) pattern with a lower close on July 16. Using the newly confirmed TC pattern, a reverse/forward count was done with… read more
Swing Trading Strategies – Long Coffee signal reaches target objective! A follow up to the July 23rd blog! [chart]
In the July 23, 2010 issue of the TMV Swing Trading Report, I made a recommendation to buy Coffee at 162.05. (See the July 23 post in this blog) The buy signal was triggered following the completion of a five-wave continuation pattern and ended on the July 21…a projected reversal date. The buy signal was triggered on… read more
Swing Trading Strategies – R swing triggers buy for British pound – where will it go? [chart]
In the last issue of the TMV Swing Trade Report, I talked about the recent British pound price action and the possible bullish pattern forming over the past few days. The market had traded to a high of 1.5130, just missing my initial 1.5155 target objective identified by the reaction line. The market ended up backing… read more
Swing Trade Strategies – Using “Market Timing Intelligence”. by John Crane
The recent price action in the July Natural gas offers a good example of the “action-reaction” trading methodology is action. Knowing probable levels of future support and resistance levels has always been a goal of both swing traders and day traders alike. The advance knowledge can give you an edge when looking to lower your… read more
Swing trading strategies – How ‘action/reaction” triggered early buy signal before Coffee surge! [chart]
A possible shortage of certified Coffee stocks, for July delivery, provide the springboard for 1.40o point price surge during the past two session…with over 1000 points of that rally during Friday’s session. This price action provided a great trading opportunity for traders following the Traders Market Views Swing Trading Report. A buy signal was triggered on June 8th with the… read more
Reversal swing dates for the week of May 31 – June 4.
Monday – Wheat Tuesday – Dollar index, Canadian dollar, Eurocurrency, Australian dollar, Cotton Wednesday – Thursday – RBOB gas, Coffee Friday – Heating oil, Silver… read more
Swing Trading Strategies – Predicting the low in the Dow Jones by John Crane. [chart]
The Dow Jones futures continue to rally off the May 25th reversal swing date after closing lower on Wednesday. After making a corrective rebound into the 60% sell window on May 13th, the market turned lower and resumed the downward trend. The May 13th high was the final pivot of a bearish TC pattern (trend continuation)… read more
Swing Trading Strategy – Price action suggests Coffee may have bottomed and ready to rally. [chart]
July Coffee traded to a low of 130.60 before reversing and rebounding sharply off the lower parallel line. This price action suggests the market may be in a trend shift and ready to rally off the recent pivot low. Coffee rallied over 100 points off the low, leaving good separation for the low. This is an… read more
Swing trading signals – How will the Soybeans react after reaching target objective on predicted reversal swing date? [chart]
Twenty days after posting a high near the April 21st reversal date, July Soybeans reached the up-sloping reaction target line. The daily low of $9.31 tested the reaction line before finding support and rebounding to unchanged. This completes the five-wave cycle as the Soybeans reach the target objective–projected two weeks in advance–on the projected reversal date. While the… read more